Instructional Materials Review and Approval

Publisher Response to Evaluation for Texas Maravillas - Kindergarten Review

We are pleased that the Texas Resource Review (TRR) of Spanish Language Arts and Reading materials review has recognized the high quality of the Texas Maravillas curriculum.

Texas Maravillas provides access to complex, grade level content and skills by employing research based instructional strategies developed by many of our authors, including Josephine Tinajero, Jana Echevarria, Teresa Mlawer,and Gilberto Soto. Our theory of action is grounded in the belief that a high-quality equitable solution provides all students with opportunities to access and fully engage with rigorous, grade-level standards. Each student receives access in a comprehensible way to both grade-level content and concepts in each unit of instruction, including reading, writing, speaking, listening, and critical thinking.

In addition, Texas Maravillas provides access to authentic, diverse texts that represent students of various cultures and regions in the Spanish speaking world. Teachers are provided the support to work with students to build community, collaboration, and mutual respect through collaborative conversations..The texts in Texas Maravillas are organized by Essential Questions. Many of the texts focus on relevant issues, examples, and real-world problems, along with prompts and questions that encourage students to engage and think critically about how they would address a similar problem or issue. Students engage in tasks that are worthwhile and challenge and expand their thinking.

We are also excited that TRR has acknowledged the wealth of student opportunities that Texas Maravillas provides, including opportunities to practice and develop fluency and accuracy; analyze and integrate knowledge; use text evidence; make connections within and across texts; build academic vocabulary; extend and differentiate learning; develop composition skills; gain proficiency in speaking, listening to, reading, and writing Spanish; and achieve grade-level mastery of skills. Our development team and our expert authors believe that these opportunities for practice, application, and mastery of skills and strategies are critical elements of a strong literacy curriculum.

Texas Wonders and Texas Maravillas equip dual language teachers with resources to support the development of literacy in English and Spanish. The curriculum of Wonders and Maravillas provides the tools students need to become biliterate, bicultural, and bilingual.

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