Instructional Materials Review and Approval

El camino al éxito, Grade K

SLAR: Phonics Kindergarten

IMRA 2024
Commissioner Rejected

Publisher: Pacific Learning

Copyright: 2024

Series includes:

Quality Review

Standards Alignment

Rubric Section
Grade TEKS Student % TEKS Teacher % ELPS Student % ELPS Teacher %
Kindergarten 100% 100% N/A N/A

Criteria for Quality

Rubric Section 1 Intentional Instructional Design Materials support educators in effective implementation through intentional course, unit, and lesson-level design. Total TOTAL92% (48 out of 52 points) 92%
Section 1 Intentional Instructional Design Materials support educators in effective implementation through intentional course, unit, and lesson-level design. Total 92% (48 out of 52 points)

1.1 Course-Level Design

Materials include a scope and sequence outlining the TEKS, concepts, and knowledge taught in the course.
4 out of 4 points

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Materials include suggested pacing (pacing guide/calendar) to support effective implementation for various instructional calendars (e.g., varying numbers of instructional days – 165, 180, 210).
1 out of 2 points

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Materials include an explanation for the rationale of unit order as well as how concepts to be learned connect throughout the course.
2 out of 2 points

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Materials include guidance, protocols, and/or templates for unit and lesson internalization.
2 out of 2 points

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Materials include resources and guidance to support administrators and instructional coaches with implementing the materials as designed.
3 out of 4 points

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1.2 Unit-Level Design

Materials include comprehensive unit overviews that provide the background content knowledge and academic vocabulary necessary to effectively teach the concepts in the unit.
0 out of 2 points

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Materials contain supports for families in both Spanish and English for each unit with suggestions on supporting the progress of their student.
2 out of 2 points

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1.3 Lesson-Level Design

Materials include comprehensive, structured, detailed lesson plans that include daily objectives, questions, tasks, materials, and instructional assessments required to meet the content and language standards of the lesson.
30 out of 30 points

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Materials include a lesson overview outlining the suggested timing for each lesson component.
1 out of 1 points

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Materials include a lesson overview listing the teacher and student materials necessary to effectively deliver the lesson.
2 out of 2 points

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Materials include guidance on the effective use of lesson materials for extended practice (e.g., homework, extension, enrichment)
1 out of 1 points

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Rubric Section 2 Progress Monitoring Materials support educators in effective implementation through frequent, strategic opportunities to monitor and respond to student progress. Total TOTAL86% (24 out of 28 points) 86%
Section 2 Progress Monitoring Materials support educators in effective implementation through frequent, strategic opportunities to monitor and respond to student progress. Total 86% (24 out of 28 points)

2.1 Instructional Assessments

Materials include a variety of instructional assessments at the unit and lesson level (including diagnostic, formative, and summative) that vary in types of tasks and questions.
12 out of 12 points

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Materials include the definition and intended purpose for the types of instructional assessments included.
1 out of 2 points

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Materials include teacher guidance to ensure consistent and accurate administration of instructional assessments.
2 out of 2 points

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Diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments are aligned to the TEKS and objectives of the course, unit, or lesson.
6 out of 6 points

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Instructional assessments include standards-aligned items at varying levels of complexity.
0 out of 2 points

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2.2 Data Analysis and Progress Monitoring

Instructional assessments and scoring information provide guidance for interpreting and responding to student performance.
2 out of 2 points

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Materials provide guidance for the use of included tasks and activities to respond to student trends in performance on assessments.
1 out of 1 points

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Materials include tools for students to track their own progress and growth.
0 out of 1 points

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Rubric Section 3 Supports for All Learners Materials support educators in reaching all learners through design focused on engagement, representation, and action/expression for learner variability. Total TOTAL80% (24 out of 30 points) 80%
Section 3 Supports for All Learners Materials support educators in reaching all learners through design focused on engagement, representation, and action/expression for learner variability. Total 80% (24 out of 30 points)

3.1 Differentiation and Scaffolds

Materials include teacher guidance for differentiated instruction, activities, and/or paired (scaffolded) lessons for students who have not yet reached proficiency on grade-level content and skills.
3 out of 3 points

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Materials include pre-teaching or embedded supports for unfamiliar vocabulary and references in text (e.g., figurative language, idioms, academic language).
0 out of 2 points

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Materials include teacher guidance for differentiated instruction, enrichment, and extension activities for students who have demonstrated proficiency in grade-level content and skills.
2 out of 3 points

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3.2 Instructional Methods

Materials include prompts and guidance to support the teacher in modeling, explaining, and communicating the concept(s) to be learned explicitly (directly).
6 out of 6 points

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Materials include teacher guidance and recommendations for effective lesson delivery and facilitation using a variety of instructional approaches.
2 out of 4 points

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Materials support multiple types of practice (e.g., guided, independent, collaborative) and include guidance for teachers and recommended structures (e.g., whole group, small group, individual) to support effective implementation.
2 out of 3 points

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3.3 Support for Emergent Bilingual Students

Materials include implementation guidance to support teachers in effectively using the materials in state-approved bilingual/ESL programs.
1 out of 1 points

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Materials include embedded guidance for teachers to support emergent bilingual students in developing academic vocabulary, increasing comprehension, building background knowledge, and making cross-linguistic connections through oral and written discourse.
8 out of 8 points

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If designed for dual language immersion (DLI) programs, materials include opportunities to address metalinguistic transfer from English to the partner language.
Not scored

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Rubric Section 4 Phonics Rule Compliance Materials comply with state requirements for explicit (direct) and systematic phonics instruction. Total TOTAL75% (27 out of 36 points) 75%
Section 4 Phonics Rule Compliance Materials comply with state requirements for explicit (direct) and systematic phonics instruction. Total 75% (27 out of 36 points)

4.1 Explicit (Direct) and Systematic Phonics Instruction

Materials include systematic and sequenced instruction of phonics (sound-symbol correspondence) and foundational skills.
4 out of 4 points

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Materials include explicit (direct) and intentional daily opportunities for phonics (sound-symbol correspondence) and foundational skills.
2 out of 2 points

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Materials include practice of phonics skills both in isolation and through decodable texts.
1 out of 2 points

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Materials include opportunities for cumulative review of previously taught skills.
1 out of 1 points

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4.2 Daily Instructional Sequence and Routines

Daily lessons include explicit (direct) instruction with teacher modeling.
1 out of 1 points

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Daily lessons include opportunities for explicit (direct) guided instruction and immediate and corrective feedback.
2 out of 3 points

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Daily lessons include a variety of opportunities for students to practice through collaborative learning and independent practice.
2 out of 4 points

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4.3 Ongoing Practice Opportunities

Materials include intentional cumulative review and practice activities throughout the curriculum.
2 out of 2 points

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Practice opportunities include only phonics skills that have been explicitly taught.
1 out of 1 points

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Decodable texts incorporate cumulative practice of taught phonics skills.
0 out of 1 points

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Lessons include an instructional focus with opportunities for practice in isolation and connected text.
1 out of 2 points

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4.4 Assessment

Materials include a variety of assessment tools that are developmentally appropriate.
2 out of 2 points

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Materials include clear, consistent directions for accurate administration of assessments.
2 out of 2 points

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Materials include progress monitoring tools that systematically and accurately measure students’ acquisition of grade-level phonics skills.
2 out of 2 points

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Materials include assessment opportunities across the span of the school year aligned to progress monitoring tools.
1 out of 1 points

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4.5 Progress Monitoring and Student Support

Materials include data-management tools for tracking individual student progress to make appropriate instructional decisions to accelerate instruction.
1 out of 1 points

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Materials include data-management tools for tracking whole-class student progress to analyze patterns and needs of students.
0 out of 2 points

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Materials include specific guidance on determining frequency of progress monitoring based on students’ strengths and needs.
2 out of 2 points

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Materials include guidance on how to accelerate learning based on the progress monitoring data to reach mastery of specific concepts.
0 out of 1 points

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Rubric Section 5 Foundational Skills Materials include guidance for explicit (direct) and systematic instruction in foundational skills, instructional routines, student practice, and cumulative review. Total TOTAL71% (91 out of 129 points) 71%
Section 5 Foundational Skills Materials include guidance for explicit (direct) and systematic instruction in foundational skills, instructional routines, student practice, and cumulative review. Total 71% (91 out of 129 points)

5.B.1 Oral Language Oral Language Development

Materials include explicit (direct) and systematic instructional guidance on developing oral language and oracy through a variety of methods (e.g., modeling, guided practice, coaching, feedback, and independent practice).
8 out of 8 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

Materials include opportunities for students to engage in social and academic communication for different purposes and audiences.
2 out of 4 points

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Materials include authentic opportunities in Spanish for students to listen actively, ask questions, engage in discussion to understand information, and share information and ideas.
6 out of 9 points

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5.C.1 Alphabet Alphabet Knowledge (grade K only)

5.C.1a (grade K only)
Materials include a systematic sequence that is authentic to Spanish for introducing letter names and their corresponding sounds. (PR 2.A.1)
2 out of 2 points

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5.C.1b (grade K only)
Materials include guidance for the teacher to provide explicit (direct) instruction in Spanish for teaching and developing student automaticity in the identification of the 27 letters of the Spanish alphabet (upper and lowercase) and their corresponding sounds. (PR 2.A.1)
6 out of 6 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

5.C.1c (grade K only)
Materials include guidance in Spanish for the teacher to provide explicit (direct) and systematic instruction for letter formation for the 27 letters of the alphabet (upper and lowercase). (PR 2.A & 2.A.3)
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

5.C.1d (grade K only)
Materials include a variety of activities and resources (including the use of memory-building strategies) in Spanish for students to develop, practice, and reinforce (through cumulative review) alphabet knowledge both in isolation and in the context of meaningful print. (PR 2.A & 2.A.3)
8 out of 12 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

5.C.2 Alphabet Letter-Sound Correspondence

Materials explicitly (directly), and systematically introduce letter-sound relationships in an order that allows for application to basic decoding and encoding in Spanish. (PR 2.A.1)
4 out of 4 points

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Materials include guidance for the teacher to provide explicit (direct) instruction in Spanish focused on connecting phonemes to letters within words with recommended explanatory feedback for students based on common errors and misconceptions. (PR 2.A & 2.A.2)
0 out of 2 points

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Materials include a variety of activities and resources in Spanish for students to develop, practice, and reinforce (through cumulative review) their understanding of applying letter-sound correspondence to decode one syllable and multisyllable words in isolation and authentic Spanish decodable connected text. (PR 2.A & 2.A.3)
12 out of 24 points

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5.D.1 Phonological Awareness Phonological Awareness (grades K and 1 only)

5.D.1a (grades K and 1 only)
Materials include a systematic and authentic Spanish sequence for introducing phonological awareness activities in accordance with grade-level Spanish TEKS that begins with simple skills and larger units of sound (e.g., identifying and producing rhyming words, recognizing spoken alliteration, identifying the individual words in spoken sentences) and gradually transitions to more complex skills and smaller units of sound (e.g., adding, deleting, and substituting syllables). (PR 2.A.1)
4 out of 4 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

5.D.1b (grades K and 1 only)
Materials include explicit (direct) instruction authentic to Spanish for teaching phonological awareness skills with recommended explanatory feedback for students based on common errors and misconceptions. (PR 2.A & 2.A.2)
0 out of 2 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

5.D.1c (grades K and 1 only)
Materials include a variety of activities and resources (including the use of memory-building strategies) in Spanish for students to develop, practice, and reinforce phonological awareness skills connected to grade-level Spanish TEKS (through cumulative review). (PR 2.A & 2.A.3)
4 out of 6 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

5.D.2 Phonological Awareness Phonemic Awareness (grades K and 1 only)

5.D.2a (grades K and 1 only)
Materials include a systematic and authentic Spanish sequence for introducing phonemic awareness activities that begins with identifying, blending, and segmenting phonemes, and transitions to blending the phonemes into syllables and gradually to more complex manipulation practices such as adding, deleting, and substituting syllables. (PR 2.A.1)
3 out of 3 points

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5.D.2b (grades K and 1 only)
Materials include explicit (direct) instruction authentic to Spanish for teaching phonemic awareness with recommended explanatory feedback for students based on common errors and misconceptions. (PR 2.A & 2.A.2)
0 out of 2 points

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5.D.2c (grades K and 1 only)
Materials include explicit (direct) guidance in Spanish for connecting phonemic awareness skills to the alphabetic principle, to support students in the transition from oral language activities to basic decoding and encoding. (PR 2.A.1)
2 out of 2 points

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5.D.2d (grades K and 1 only)
Materials include a variety of activities and resources in Spanish for students to develop, practice, and reinforce phonemic awareness skills (through cumulative review). (PR 2.A & 2.A.3)
4 out of 6 points

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5.E.1 Phonics (Encoding/Decoding) Sound-Spelling Patterns

Materials include a systematic sequence for introducing grade-level sound-spelling patterns and syllable combinations to decode single and multisyllabic words as outlined in the Spanish TEKS. (PR 2.A.1)
1 out of 2 points

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Materials include guidance for the teacher to provide explicit (direct) instruction for grade-level sound-spelling patterns. (PR 2.A.1)
1 out of 1 points

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Materials include a variety of activities and resources authentic to Spanish for students to develop, practice, and reinforce grade-level sound-spelling patterns (through cumulative review). (PR 2.A.1)
6 out of 6 points

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Materials provide a variety of activities and resources in Spanish to support students in decoding and encoding words that include taught syllable correlations, both in isolation (e.g., word lists) and in authentic Spanish decodable connected text that builds on previous instruction (e.g., within sentences or decodable texts). (PR 2.A.1 & 2.A.3)
2 out of 8 points

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5.E.2 Phonics (Encoding/Decoding) Decoding and Encoding One-Syllable or Multisyllabic Words including Diphthongs, Hiatus, and Word Types

5.E.2a (grade 3 only)
Materials include a systematic sequence, as outlined in the Spanish language arts TEKS, for decoding and encoding multi-syllabic words depending on syllable stress (silaba tonica), diphthongs, hiatus, the different word types (agudas, graves, esdrújulas, and sobreesdrújulas) and accent marks. (PR 2.A.1)
Not scored
5.E.2b (grade 3 only)
Materials include guidance for the teacher to provide explicit (direct) authentic Spanish instruction on syllable division principles to decode and encode multisyllabic words depending on diphthongs, hiatus, syllable stress (silaba tonica), word type and accent mark rules. (PR 2.A.1)
Not scored
Materials include a variety of activities and resources in Spanish for students to develop, practice and reinforce skills to decode and encode multisyllabic words (through cumulative review). (PR 2.A.1 & 2.A.3)
12 out of 12 points

See Quality Review Evidence for this Indicator

5.E.2d (grade 3 only)
Materials include a variety of activities and resources for students to practice decoding and encoding multisyllabic words, using knowledge of syllable patterns and syllable division principles, in isolation (e.g., word lists) and in authentic Spanish decodable connected text that builds on previous instruction (e.g., within sentences or decodable texts). (PR 2.A & 2.A.3)
Not scored

5.E.3 Phonics (Encoding/Decoding) Morphological Awareness (grades 1–3 only)

5.E.3a (grades 1–3 only)
Materials include a systematic and authentic Spanish sequence for introducing grade-level morphemes, as outlined in the Spanish language arts TEKS. (PR 2.A.1)
Not scored
5.E.3b (grades 1–3 only)
Materials include guidance for the teacher to provide direct and explicit instruction authentic to Spanish for supporting recognition of common morphemes and using their meanings (e.g., affixes and base words) to support decoding, encoding, and reading comprehension. (PR 2.A.1) (T)
Not scored
5.E.3c (grades 1–3 only)
Materials include a variety of activities and resources in Spanish for students to develop, practice, and reinforce grade-level morphological skills (through cumulative review). (PR 2.A.1 & 2.A.3)
Not scored
5.E.3d (grades 1–3 only)
Materials include a variety of activities and resources authentic to Spanish for students to decode and encode words with morphemes in isolation (e.g., word lists) and in authentic Spanish decodable connected text that builds on previous instruction (e.g., within sentences or decodable texts). (PR 2.A.1 & 2.A.3)
Not scored

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